Small update based on play test results

Taking into account the response from the players who participated in our first play test I made first small changes to the gameplay.

1) Animation of the sliding menu was shortened significantly which previously was taking way too long in interrupted the gameplay.
2) The time it takes to brew coffee was also shortened, now it takes 3 seconds if you have the "fed" condition and 6 seconds if you don't, as opposed to the first version where the numbers were 10 seconds and 15.

I also fixed a few bugs that were present during the initial play test.

1) Tutorial didn't register as being completed, fixed.
2) Coffee grains were given the player regardless if they bought it or not, fixed.

These are the first immediate steps to improving Pawberry Brew. The overwhelming feedback I got yesterday is being structured and analyzed, expect more updates soon.

Thanks to all the people who have offered to play test the game, I appreciate your help very much.

-Duck Sized Games


PawberryBrew_Release_0.2.apk 30 MB
Jul 24, 2024

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